“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,-6

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Salaams, Hello and Greetings!

Welcome to Readings and Ramblings, where I share my love for books and adventure with you.

The picture above is not me, but it sums up what I enjoy the most: reading and being outdoors.

On this blog, you’ll find book reviews, book club fun with my fellow bookworms, children’s books recommendations and videos, and a range adventures and experiences.

If you want to know more about me and my blog, click on the About above.

I hope you have fun reading and rambling with me!

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Emma Woodhouse is one of Austen's most captivating and vivid characters. Beautiful, spoilt, vain and irrepressibly witty, Emma organizes the lives of the inhabitants of her sleepy little village and plays matchmaker with devastating effect.

Yusuf waits on the beach while Papa pushes out his boat. Surfers, turtles and sharks come from the sea. What will Papa bring back for Yusuf?

A thousand years ago evil came to the land and has ruled with an iron hand ever since. The sun shines fitfully under clouds of ash that float down endlessly from the constant eruption of volcanoes. A dark lord rules through the aristocratic families and ordinary folk are condemned to lives in servitude, sold as goods, labouring in the ash fields. But now a troublemaker has arrived and there is rumour of revolt. A revolt that depends on a criminal no-one can trust and a young girl who must master Allomancy - the magic that lies in all metals.

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